Sotasota Ara-nofo eo Amin'ny Toeram-pirenena

This page was last updated on: 2023-04-09

Sotasota Ara-nofo eo Amin'ny Toeram-pirenena

In accordance with Labour Code, sexual harassment is any unwanted conduct of sexual nature that interferes with work, employment conditions or normal operation of the quarry or creates an intimidating work environment.

Sexual Harassment is prohibited by law and is a punishable offence. A person who puts granting of sexual favours as a condition to get a job, promotion or award or a favorable decision is punished with imprisonment of one to three years and fine of five million to 20 million francs. And if the perpetrator used sanctions or serious pressure to bring a subordinate to grant sexual favours or punish the one who denied such favours is punished with imprisonment of two to five years and fine of ten million to fifty million francs. (§333-bis of Penal Code)

Source: § 5, 23 & 261 of the Labour Code 2003; § 333-bis of the Penal Code
